Research Colleges

Discover and tour colleges that match your goals.

College options include: certifications and credentials from technical colleges, associate’s degree (2-years total), bachelor’s degree (4-years total), master’s degree (5-6 years total with bachelor’s) and doctoral degree (8-9 years total with bachelor’s and master’s degrees).

State University System Matrix 2020-21

Use this 2020-21 SUS Matrix below to compare the state colleges and universities in Florida.  Compare things like:  Types of Applications, Average SAT, ACT, GPA, Application Waivers, SSAR and more!

Click Image Above to Open SUS Matrix 2020-21


Virtual College Visits – Fall 2020

Visit college virtually through Zoom and Microsoft Teams on scheduled dates.  Some colleges require registration, so please check out the flyers by clicking on the image below:

State University System

The State University System of Florida includes schools where you can earn a bachelor, master and doctorate degree.

CLICK to Open SUS Matrix 2020-21

State College

SCF (State College of Florida) is our local 2-4 year state college.  You can earn an Associate’s Degree and a Bachelor’s Degree at SCF.

Technical College

Students can begin working towards certifications and credentials their junior year of high school after applying to Suncoast Technical College. Career Pathway options at STC include:  Business & IT, Criminal Justice, Health and Public Services, Human Services, and Industrial Technologies.